Sunday should be a day of leisure, a day that starts off with a lazy morning and no alarm clock. A day for staying in your PJ’s (if that’s what you want) and pottering around doing much of nothing. I adore being in the kitchen, so Sundays tend to be the day when I want to mess around with new recipes or create something other than sandwiches for lunch.
Today I created a tomato and basil frittata for lunch and thought while I was trying out my new pan I would do a long overdue recipe post. It really has gotten me in the mood for more baking and cooking too so expect a few more recipes coming up too.
4 Spring onions
4 Sweet peppers
8 Mushrooms
6 Vine tomatoes
Handful of Basil leaves
100g Cheese
12 Eggs
Salt & pepper
Slice all of the veg and rip the basil leaves, pop to one side ready to add to the eggy mix.
Crack 12 eggs into a bowl and add a generous splash of milk to the mix. Season with salt and pepper before adding all of the sliced vegetables. Mix well.
Cut the vine tomatoes in half.
Heat a non stick oven to table pan before adding the egg mix and placing the tomatoes skin side up in the pan. Sprinkle with cheese and allow to heat through gently. My favourite pan to use is this spun iron oven safe frying pan from Made To Last, it really does make everything simple as I can move it from the heat straight to the oven or grill without having to worry about melting the handle!
When cast iron is treated it is naturally non stick too so something else for me not to have to worry about!
Once you can see the edges of the frittata changing colour remove from the hob and place in the oven for up to 15 minutes to cook through to the centre. Slice and serve with a rocket salad (or fries for a main meal).
I love foods like this as you can substitute any of the ingredients with leftovers or random bits that you need to use up in the fridge. One of our favourite is smoked salmon and sweetcorn, the girls love it too – having said that today was the first time Amelia has tried basil and she loved it! Even asking for a second piece, so I can safely say this was a winner!